Video: 5 Lead Magnet Ideas to Capture More Leads on Your Website

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As I’ve said before, your website is a great place to generate more leads for your coaching or consulting business. But unfortunately, not many people truly take advantage of this and they miss out on the 97% of website visitors who aren’t ready to work with you right away.

There’s no need to miss out on that type of opportunity, though. All you have to do is add a valuable lead magnet to your website to offer to those website visitors via an email opt-in form, in exchange for their email addresses. And then, you’d have them on your email list, where you’d be able to pop into their inboxes on a regular basis, adding even more value and nurturing them until they’re ready to work with you.

Creating a valuable lead magnet is super easy! It only requires two essentials: 1. It should show off your expertise and 2. It should give your ideal clients a quick win with a common problem they may be experiencing. Here are 5 lead magnet ideas that you can offer on your website:


Option 1: A free video training

Video is one of the BEST ways to connect with your audience! Based on a common problem that your target audience is having (think about what keeps them up at night), you can create a short video, that’s 15 to 30 minutes, sharing your tips on how to overcome that problem. It’s a great way to make your brand more personable, while showing how knowledgeable you are. Keeping it short and succinct with 3-5 tips is all you need!

 Option 2: A free PDF guide or workbook

A free PDF is great for sharing tips on a certain topic or how to overcome a common problem that your target audience may have. You can simply type it all up in a Word doc and save it as a PDF or if you want to get fancy, you could use a free tool, like Canva to design a PDF yourself. You can make it either a guide for them to just consume or you can make it workbook style, leaving blanks for the reader to fill in as they read through it. Totally up to you!

Option 3: A fun quiz

Quizzes are a fun way to get some interaction from your audience, while sharing your expertise at the end, once they read their results. You first want to think about an area of your expertise that you could categorize. For example, as a business coach, you could have a quiz that tells people what type of business owner are they with 4 categories they could fall into and recommendations you’d make to them, based on each category. This can help grow your email list because you can require them to opt-in for more tips and to see their quiz results. Interact and Typeform are great tools for creating quizzes. And you an embed them right into your website!

Option 4: A free resource library

This one takes a bit more work to create, but if you already have several PDFs or exclusive videos, you can link to them on a password protected page on your website. And when people opt in to your email list, they’d have the opportunity to get access to your free resource library for more exclusive content. You could have your email provider set up to email them the password automatically, once they opt-in. This is a great way to go above and beyond with the value you provide!

 Option 5: Free email challenge

And last but not least, an email challenge is a great way to encourage audience participation and to help them get a mini-transformation in a short period of time. Usually, an email challenge lasts for a certain number of days. The most digestible challenges are typically 5 days. You can break down your recommendations into 5 parts to last over the 5 days to help your target clients make progress in a certain problem area. You can easily set up an automated email sequence in your email provider, so these messages are delivered automatically!

That’s it for the tips! Let me know if you choose to try out one of these. My personal favorite is option one, video! I’ve gotten great results from my free video training. And speaking of it...if you haven’t seen it already, check out my free training on How Six Figure Coaches & Consultants are Creating Premium Positioning and Attracting 4 and 5 Figure Clients Consistently:


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