Posts tagged Marketing
Podcast: The Secret to Growing Your Audience Online

Guess what? So the secret to growing your audience online is that there isn’t really a big secret. It’s really simple, actually. It’s all about consistency. Consistency in marketing, consistency in serving your audience, and consistency in getting better as you go. Digital marketing experts estimate that most Americans are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 ads every day. That’s a LOT of stuff. It’s easy to let a statistic like that overwhelm you and make you feel like there’s no hope, but there IS hope.

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Podcast: How to Grow Your Website Traffic

So once I knew I was going to be taking my business full time, I knew it was crucial to be on top of my marketing, so I could start getting clients as soon as possible. I had already built my business website almost two years ago, but I had been quiet online for about a year after that, right up until leaving my day job. I wanted to start getting booked with clients as soon as possible, because although I had savings for several months, I didn’t want to blow through it. I started in September, going hard on every marketing strategy I knew of. And my website traffic went from hovering around 300 visitors a month from January to August, during my inactive state, to tripling to about 900 visitors in November. YES, that’s right. I tripled my website traffic.

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